Scout group Roma 118-Italy


La Patrouille des Daims de Rome en Italie souhaite faire un échange culturel par vidéo avec un groupe scouts belge. Voici leur demande:

Hello! I’m Serena and I’m the leader of deers patrol from Rome-Italy. For my patrol speciality we want to do international and for the first venture we would like to do a cultural exchange (possibly with a patrol). For this exchange, we would like to do a videocall. If you want to do it during the week, we obviusly need more organization. The cultural exchange, we will ask about:

1 How does them group function

2 What do they do during evening fire (games,sketches,bans ecc…)

3 tipical trapper dishes

4 uniform and badges

5 religion and catechesis

6 tradicions or important events their group does.

Thanks for your help, have a great day!!


Nom: Serena Muhulica


Langue(s) parlée(s): anglais, italien
