Panthers de la Parma 4, scouts italiens Agesci


Les Panthères (l'équivalent de nos Eclaireurs) de la 4ième Parma, située en Italie aimerait que leur section puissent échanger des écussons d’autres pays.

Si le projet vous intéresse, n'hésitez pas à les contacter en anglais à l'adresse :


We are part of the national association AGESCI, in particular we are part of the scout group of Parma called "Parma 4".

We are part of the "Alisei" department of Parma 4 and we have different ages, from 12 to 16 years old.

I’m the biggest of the Panthers and I’m 15, the other girls are 12,14,14,15.

Our project is just to collect badges of the world, we just need the postal address of the group. This way we can send our badges, and then receive yours if you have any.

In case it is not possible to exchange badges, something characteristic of the group is also fine.

Thank you for your time and if you have any questions or doubts, we will answer you as soon as possible.😊

Let us know!


Nom: Panthères de la Parma 4


Langue(s) parlée(s): anglais, italien
